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Now an internationally acclaimed author, Barbel Mohr introduced the world to Cosmic Ordering by writing a little book about this amazing method and circulating photocopies amongst her friends. The book went on to become an international bestseller and since then she has written a collection of powerful books to help us understand exactly how to tune into the Universe to turn our dreams into reality. In this new book, Barbel captures the essence of all of her previous titles on Cosmic Ordering to provide you with 21 Golden Rules that allow you to master the concept that seems too good to be true – but nonetheless works. Barbel has condensed the key ideas and principles of Cosmic Ordering to help you appreciate the rules that govern the cosmos and the part that your subconcious mind plays in creating your reality. With numerous tips and exercises to help you fully connect with your inner power, you will learn how to make Cosmic Ordering an integral part of your day-to-day life, opening yourself to a magical future.
The 21 Golden Rules for Cosmic Ordering Edition by Barbel Mohr and Publisher Hay House. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781848504752, 1848504756. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781848503212, 1848503210.
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