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This book is an excellent resource for teachers of all ages, Ministers of Christian Education, Youth Pastors, Children’s Pastors, and Senior Pastors. Jonathan walks the reader through the seven laws of the teacher as well as the six levels of learning. Each chapter provides a great deal of practical material that enriches the learning experience. The simple to read book gives teachers a deeper understanding of the biblical principles of how Christian education and teaching can impact the local church. Teachers will be given teaching methods that enrich learning for all students. This is a must have teacher’s handbook with ideas easy to understand and implement in any classroom. Regardless of how long you have taught, Jonathan’s writings will give you confidence to influence the needed changes in lives of your students while becoming more effective in the classroom.
Teaching Students Not Lessons Edition by Jonathan Thigpen and Publisher Randall House. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781614840411, 1614840415. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780892655557, 0892655550.
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