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ARE YOU READY? GET RESIDENT READY Resident Readiness: Obstetrics and Gynecology prepares you for success during your internship. Inside is a full range of clinical scenarios you may experience during your residency, supported by comprehension questions with detailed answer explanations and tips to remember. You will also learn the clinical problem-solving process so you can think quickly on your feet, especially when time is critical. With this book’s step-by-step guidance, you will gain the confidence you need to perform at your best on Day One of your residency. BEYOND TREATING YOUR PATIENT, RESIDENT READINESS PREPARES YOU TO: Start intern year with a solid fund of knowledge Successfully manage patients in the ER, obstetric triage, and on the wards Conduct ambulatory clinic visits and office procedures efficiently Perform competently on acting internships/visiting rotations as a fourth-year medical student
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