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Address Errors before Users Find ThemUsing a mix-and-match approach, Software Test Attacks to Break Mobile and Embedded Devices presents an attack basis for testing mobile and embedded systems. Designed for testers working in the ever-expanding world of “smart” devices driven by software, the book focuses on attack-based testing that can be used by
Additional ISBNs
1138468444, 1466575301, 0429071914, 1498760147, 9781138468443, 9781466575301, 9780429071911, 9781498760140, 1322667578, 146657531X, 9781322667577, 9781466575318
Software Test Attacks to Break Mobile and Embedded Devices 1st Edition is written by Jon Duncan Hagar and published by Chapman & Hall. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Software Test Attacks to Break Mobile and Embedded Devices are 9781466575318, 146657531X and the print ISBNs are 9781466575301, 1466575301. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1138468444, 1466575301, 0429071914, 1498760147, 9781138468443, 9781466575301, 9780429071911, 9781498760140, 1322667578, 146657531X, 9781322667577, 9781466575318.
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