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- Uses concise bulleted text with important factors highlighted throughout for ease of understanding and assimilation.
- Shows how to perform each injection technique step-by-step with comprehensive illustrations (photographs, line drawings, radiologic images)
- Techniques are grouped together in a logical and easy to follow manner with the same format being used for each block
- Offers solutions to actual clinical problems and highlights potential pitfalls in both diagnosis and treatment..
- Covers a broad scope of clinical practice for use by both beginners and experts.
Additional ISBNs
0702050342, 1336256362, 0702058017, 9780702050343, 9781336256361, 9780702058011
Atlas of Pain Injection Techniques 2nd Edition is written by Therese C. O’Connor; Stephen E. Abram and published by Churchill Livingstone (US). The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Atlas of Pain Injection Techniques are 9780702050343, 0702050342 and the print ISBNs are 9780702044717, 0702044717. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0702050342, 1336256362, 0702058017, 9780702050343, 9781336256361, 9780702058011.
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