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A practical approach to ART-an alternative method by which companies take on various types of risk
This comprehensive book shows readers what ART is, how it can be used to mitigate risk, and how certain instruments/structures associated with ART should be implemented. Through numerous examples and case studies, readers will learn what actually works and what doesn’t when using this technique.
Erik Banks (CT) joined XL Capital’s weather/energy risk management subsidiary, Element Re, as a Partner and Chief Risk Officer in 2001.
This comprehensive book shows readers what ART is, how it can be used to mitigate risk, and how certain instruments/structures associated with ART should be implemented. Through numerous examples and case studies, readers will learn what actually works and what doesn’t when using this technique.
Erik Banks (CT) joined XL Capital’s weather/energy risk management subsidiary, Element Re, as a Partner and Chief Risk Officer in 2001.
Additional ISBNs
0470857455, 1118673271, 9780470857458, 9781118673270
Alternative Risk Transfer: Integrated Risk Management through Insurance, Reinsurance, and the Capital Markets 1st Edition is written by Erik Banks and published by John Wiley & Sons P&T. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Alternative Risk Transfer are 9780470857465, 0470857463 and the print ISBNs are 9780470857458, 0470857455. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0470857455, 1118673271, 9780470857458, 9781118673270.
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