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Networks are made up of organizations. Often a central unit, or “Network Administrative Organization” (NAO), manages an entire network of organizations that collaborate to achieve an overall network-level goal. Goal-directed networks are those that come together to achieve a shared objective, in addition to the individual organization-specific goals. This book’s focus is on the management of goal-directed networks. Despite the fact that formalized goal-directed interorganizational networks have become extremely popular in the public and nonprofit sectors, as many social problems require concerted action, publications on managing goal-directed networks do not exist. In this book, author Angel Saz-Carranza examines four networks that differ by size, scope, and geographical location. He offers a novel and innovative framework focusing on networks’ inherent internal tensions between unity and diversity, paralleling the differentiation/integration tension found in organization theory, which has not previously been applied to interorganizational networks.
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Additional ISBNs
0415899028, 9780415899024, 1136263314, 1136263306, 1283708493, 0203107799, 1136263268, 9781136263316, 9781136263309, 9781283708494, 9780203107799, 9781136263262
Uniting Diverse Organizations: Managing Goal-Oriented Advocacy Networks 1st Edition is written by Angel Saz-Carranza and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Uniting Diverse Organizations are 9781136263309, 1136263306 and the print ISBNs are 9781138109698, 113810969X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415899028, 9780415899024, 1136263314, 1136263306, 1283708493, 0203107799, 1136263268, 9781136263316, 9781136263309, 9781283708494, 9780203107799, 9781136263262.
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