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Drs. John C. Perkins and Michael E. Winters have assembled an expert team of authors on the topic of Sepsis in the Emergency Department. Article topics include: Defining and Diagnosing Sepsis; Appropriate Antibiotic Therapy; Severe Sepsis Resuscitation in Resource Limited Settings; Source Control in Severe Sepsis; Considerations in Special Populations with Severe Sepsis; Pediatric Severe Sepsis Resuscitation; The New Usual Care; Prehospital Sepsis Care; Endpoints of Sepsis Resuscitation; Pitfalls in the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Disposition of Severe Sepsis; Biomarkers in Sepsis; Vasopressors and Inotropes in Sepsis; and Sepsis Quality Measures and Performance Improvement.
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Severe Sepsis Care in the Emergency Department, An Issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America is written by John C Perkins Jr; Michael E. Winters and published by Elsevier. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Severe Sepsis Care in the Emergency Department, An Issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America are 9780323496568, 0323496563 and the print ISBNs are 9780323496469, 0323496466.
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