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Filling a large gap in the literature, this book focuses on the management of patients who have, or are at risk of developing, cardiovascular disease. Designed to serve as a resource for the busy, practicing clinician, the approach is evidence-based but practical. Conceptual development and the exploration of biochemical and physiological mechanism
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Additional ISBNs
0849340667, 0429163304, 1420066773, 9780849340666, 9780429163302, 9781420066777, 128086317X, 142001966X, 9781280863172, 9781420019667
Comprehensive Management of High Risk Cardiovascular Patients 1st Edition is written by Antonio M. Gotto; Peter P. Toth and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Comprehensive Management of High Risk Cardiovascular Patients are 9781420019667, 142001966X and the print ISBNs are 9780849340666, 0849340667. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0849340667, 0429163304, 1420066773, 9780849340666, 9780429163302, 9781420066777, 128086317X, 142001966X, 9781280863172, 9781420019667.
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