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Transactions have always taken place. For hundreds of years that ‘place’ was a market or, more recently, a shopping mall. But in the past two decades these physical locations have increasingly been replaced by their virtual counterparts – online platforms. Here, author Michael C. Munger demonstrates how these platforms act as matchmakers or middlemen, a role traders have adopted since the very first exchanges thousands of years ago. The difference today is that the matchmakers often play no direct part in buying or selling anything – they just help buyers and sellers find each other. Their major contribution has been to reduce the costs of organising and completing purchases, rentals or exchanges. The Sharing Economy: Its Pitfalls and Promises contends that the key role of online platforms is to create reductions in transaction costs and it highlights the importance of three ‘Ts’ – triangulation, transfer and trust – in bringing down those costs.
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Sharing Economy 1st Edition is written by Michael C. Munger and published by London Publishing Partnership. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Sharing Economy are 9780255367929, 0255367929 and the print ISBNs are 9780255367912, 0255367910.
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