China Internet Development Report 2018: Blue Book of World Internet Conference eBook
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Why do some startups succeed while other do not? In a maturing online market, the cost of product development has fallen as quickly as competition has risen, and building a viable product is no longer enough. In this new reality, entrepreneurs must take a smarter, more strategic approach. In this book we’ll discuss: Why some entrepreneurs are luckier than others How to anticipate success or failure before you begin Why timing is everything for a startup Strategic positioning to beat the competition Building a business that cannot be commoditized Methods for Improving user engagement and profits This book was written by Neal Cabage and Sonya Zhang, PhD after years of discussing and studying why some startups succeed. By combining known academic models with personal insights from building and selling two online startups – the authors answer the question of why some startups are more successful than others, in order to help entrepreneurs reduce the risk of starting an online business.
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Smarter Startup, The: A Better Approach to Online Business for Entrepreneurs 1st Edition is written by Neal Cabage; Sonya Zhang and published by New Riders PTG. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Smarter Startup, The are 9780133372731, 0133372731 and the print ISBNs are 9780321905017, 0321905016.
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