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In this remarkable one-year journal, skilled horsewoman and adventurer Laura Chester brings us into her world, where we deeply connect with the earth and its seasons, with beauty and sometimes danger. While riding in places as far-reaching as Mexico, Australia, and India, Chester is always grateful to come home to the comforts of her familiar horse. As they cover the borderland of Arizona and the hills of Massachusetts, we get to know Barranca as intimate companion, mediator between soul and nature, whether entering the wilds of Cochise Stronghold or picking Berkshire apples from the saddle. Carried along on waves of memory, released by the gaits of her smooth-moving fox trotter, this literary memoir takes us on a personal exploration as well—where family relationships are fractured by anger, jealousy, illness, and death. With the help of her big-hearted animal, Chester is able to retrieve the past and find forgiveness. For as she says—”Riding Barranca puts me in the moment, which is where I want to live.”
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Riding Barranca: Finding Freedom and Forgiveness on the Midlife Trail is written by Laura Chester and published by Trafalgar Square Books. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Riding Barranca are 9781570765797, 1570765790 and the print ISBNs are 9781570765780, 1570765782.
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