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Assistive technology can be used in two ways: to help people with disabilities to do things that people without disabilities can do without technology, and to improve access to everyday technology that is not designed for people with disabilities. In both cases, the focus is on matching individuals with the tools best suited to fill their needs. A part of Greenwood’s Health and Medical Issues Today series, Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities explores what technologies are available to individuals with disabilities, what they can help them to accomplish, and potential hurdles to their use that must be overcome. It explores this exciting field broadly and in depth while still keeping the “people-first” mindset that is the hallmark of assistive technology. In addition, it provides guidance and resources for individuals seeking assistive technology for themselves or for a loved one.
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Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities is written by Denis K. Anson and published by Greenwood. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities are 9781440835124, 1440835128 and the print ISBNs are 9781440835117, 144083511X.
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