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Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook, Second Edition, proposes an international ideal model for the assistive technology assessment process, outlining how this model can be applied in practice to re-conceptualize the phases of an assistive technology delivery system according to the biopsychosocial model of disability. The model provides reference guidelines for evidence-based practice, guiding both public and private centers that wish to compare, evaluate, and improve their ability to match a person with the correct technology model. This second edition also offers a contribution to the Global Cooperation on Assistive Technology (GATE) initiative, whose activities are strongly focused on the assistive products service delivery model. Organized into three parts, the handbook: gives readers a toolkit for performing assessments; describes the roles of the assessment team members, among them the new profession of psychotechnologist; and reviews technologies for rehabilitation and independent living, including brain–computer interfaces, exoskeletons, and technologies for music therapy. Edited by Stefano Federici and Marcia J. Scherer, this cross-cultural handbook includes contributions from leading experts across five continents, offering a framework for future practice and research.
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Additional ISBNs
1498774113, 1351228412, 9781498774116, 9781351228411
Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook 2nd Edition is written by Author and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook are 9781351230889, 1351230883 and the print ISBNs are 9781498774116, 1498774113. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1498774113, 1351228412, 9781498774116, 9781351228411.
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