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A practical hands-on tool for fast, accurate clinical diagnosis in pediatric emergencies Pediatric patients can represent as much as 15-35% of all Emergency Department visits. Atlas Of Pediatric Emergency Medicine comes to the rescue of harried ED clinicians, providing a quick-access sourcebook packed with visual clues to infant/child injuries and illnesses presenting in emergency situations. Doctors Shah and Lucchesi have combined an extraordinary number of the clearest and best clinical photographs and imaging examples with practical, straightforward text. It’s a winning combination that expedites both diagnosis and the appropriate procedures for dealing with pediatric trauma and disease. Atlas Of Pediatric Emergency Medicine puts at your fingertips: 700 top-quality color clinical photographs — plus 100 imaging studies that include X-rays, CT scans and more — making it the single most comprehensive visual compilation available for diagnosing pediatric emergencies Comprehensive coverage of disorders of all body systems Authoritative, experienced guidance. It’s been edited, compiled and largely written by two distinguished experts — one a physician peer-evaluated as one of the finest clinicians and teachers in Emergency Medicine today, the other the overseer of one of the largest, busiest EDs in the United States Consistent formatting designed to provides immediate access to clinical features, differential diagnosis, consultation, treatment and disposition, complications, and clinical pearls A superb preparation tool for board exams and subspecialty certification, and an unparalleled resource for every medical professional, from ED clinicians and physicians in family or pediatric practice to Nurse Practitioners and Paramedics
This is a digital product.
Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine 1st Edition is written by Shah, Binita R.; Lucchesi, Michael and published by McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine are 9780071387132, 0071387137 and the print ISBNs are 9780071387132, 0071387137.
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