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This classroom-tested textbook will assist dental students with their academic research activities and help them to be competitive in today’s fast-growing research environment. It is designed as a core text for dental school classes such as Research Methodology and Scientific and Technical Writing, as well as Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training, but will also be a valuable resource for students and researchers in related fields, such as the medical sciences and biomedical engineering. The authors start the book by explaining key concepts and common approaches in dental research, both in basic science and clinical dentistry. They then familiarize readers with evidence-based research in dentistry and how to write a systematic review, explain the process of designing and presenting a proposal, discuss reporting results both in scientific and clinical research, and cover ethics in research, highlighting the significance of adherence to ethics both in animal as well as human studies.
This is a digital product.
Research Methods in Dentistry is written by Fahimeh Tabatabaei; Lobat Tayebi and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Research Methods in Dentistry are 9783030980283, 3030980286 and the print ISBNs are 9783030980276, 3030980278.
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