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Sharpen your social work in health care knowledge and skills Social Work, Health, and International Development: Compassion in Social Policy and Practice presents leading international experts from a range of disciplines providing the latest in research, theory, and practical solutions to advance social work refreshed view on ways to put social policy into a compassionate and empathetic framework with strategies to more effectively meet today’s challenges in social work and health care. This superb selection of papers from the Fourth International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health held in Quebec provides a unique perspective on social work and the development of a more compassionate world. Social Work, Health, and International Development: Compassion in Social Policy and Practice focuses on areas essential to every social worker no matter where they practice. The book explores the increased importance of compassion and solidarity among social workers, the essential need to effectively address the HIV/AIDS pandemic, strategies to more fully address aging issues, and best practices. The latest research findings and data are discussed to modify approaches and revitalize the field, all to help the world become a more caring, compassionate place. Topics in Social Work, Health, and International Development: Compassion in Social Policy and Practice include: social work interventions to lead needy countries from health to economic growth the concept of solidarity as a fundamental notion in social work the need to revisit social work’s ethical foundations cultural competence in responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic a comprehensive action plan to deal with HIV/AIDS a study on grandparents’ caring for children of AIDS victims multilevel interventions to promote elderly people’s mental health forming partnerships that promote the diverse voices of older people recognizing deficiencies to increase cultural competency in staff “best practice” case management approach to improve patient adherence to care Internet-based intervention for caregivers of persons with dementia dyadic peer support pilot intervention for parents of children with lung disease continual education for increased professional competence much more! Social Work, Health, and International Development is invaluable reading for social workers, health practitioners, researchers, and clinicians.
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Additional ISBNs
0789035111, 078903512X, 0203051939, 9780789035110, 9780789035127, 9780203051931, 113645540X, 1136455477, 113645554X, 1283886588, 9781136455407, 9781136455476, 9781136455544, 9781283886581
Social Work, Health, and International Development: Compassion in Social Policy and Practice 1st Edition is written by Dumont, Serge; St-Onge, Myreille and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Social Work, Health, and International Development are 9781136455476, 1136455477 and the print ISBNs are 9780789035110, 0789035111. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0789035111, 078903512X, 0203051939, 9780789035110, 9780789035127, 9780203051931, 113645540X, 1136455477, 113645554X, 1283886588, 9781136455407, 9781136455476, 9781136455544, 9781283886581.
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