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Games have been part of the entertainment industry for decades. Once only considered viable for personal entertainment, virtual gaming media is now being explored as a useful tool for learning and student engagement. The Handbook of Research on Serious Games for Educational Applications presents a comprehensive examination of the implementation of gaming in classroom settings and the cognitive benefits this integration presents. Highlighting theoretical, psychological, instructional design, and teaching perspectives, this book is a pivotal reference source for researchers, educators, professionals, and academics interested in the innovative opportunities of game-based learning.
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Additional ISBNs
152250513X, 1522505148, 9781522505136, 9781522505143
Handbook of Research on Serious Games for Educational Applications is written by Robert Zheng; Michael K. Gardner and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Handbook of Research on Serious Games for Educational Applications are 9781522505150, 1522505156 and the print ISBNs are 9781522505136, 152250513X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 152250513X, 1522505148, 9781522505136, 9781522505143.
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