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Distance learning has become very popular in recent years, making evident some of the problems inherent to online classes as they are today. High attrition rates, driven in part by student isolation and low satisfaction, have plagued online courses. For an online class to succeed, it must be built upon engaging media and meaningful interaction. Increasing Productivity and Efficiency in Online Teaching provides a reference for educators in virtual classrooms and enumerates strategies to foster instructor engagement and support. Because co-construction of information, opposed to rote memorization of disseminated facts, engages students and develops critical thinking skills, online education must shift to reflect this. Drawing from learning theory, this publication focuses on the ways educators can shape their online classes to best suit their students and leave them with knowledge and course satisfaction. This book is recommended for researchers, developers, students of education, administrators, and online educators in all subject areas.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1522503471, 152250348X, 9781522503477, 9781522503484
Increasing Productivity and Efficiency in Online Teaching is written by Patricia Dickenson; James J. Jaurez and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Increasing Productivity and Efficiency in Online Teaching are 9781522503491, 1522503498 and the print ISBNs are 9781522503477, 1522503471. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1522503471, 152250348X, 9781522503477, 9781522503484.
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