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Teachers, professors, and educational professionals have the opportunity to create new, challenging, significant, and interactive learning experiences for today’s students. Escape rooms are growing in popularity as they provide numerous benefits and opportunities for learning; however, the use of escape rooms in higher education is not always taken seriously. Learning With Escape Rooms in Higher Education Online Environments proves that it is possible to take escape rooms to higher education with great results for both teachers and students by presenting different escape room proposals that are explained in detail with the instructions and materials used so that any teacher could replicate it in their subject. Covering key topics such as online learning, student learning, and computer science, this reference work is ideal for principals, industry professionals, researchers, scholars, practitioners, academicians, instructors, and students.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1668460815, 1668460823, 9781668460818, 9781668460825
Learning With Escape Rooms in Higher Education Online Environments is written by Santamaría Urbieta Alexandra and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Learning With Escape Rooms in Higher Education Online Environments are 9781668460832, 1668460831 and the print ISBNs are 9781668460818, 1668460815. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1668460815, 1668460823, 9781668460818, 9781668460825.
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