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Improving Classroom Learning with ICT examines the ways in which ICT can be used in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning in different settings and across different subjects. Weaving together evidence of teachers’ and learners’ experiences of ICT, the authors: explain why the process of integrating ICT is not straightforward; discuss whether hardware and infrastructure alone are sufficient to ensure full integration and exploitation of ICT investment; emphasise the pivotal role that teachers play in supporting learning with ICT across the curriculum; argue that teachers need a greater understanding of how to put ICT to use in teaching and learning; highlight that out-of-school use of ICT has an impact on in-school learning; consider what kinds of professional development are most effective in supporting teachers to use technologies creatively and productively. Case studies are used to illustrate key issues and to elaborate a range of theoretical ideas that can be used in the classroom. This book will be of interest to all those concerned with maximising the benefits of ICT in the classroom.
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Additional ISBNs
0415461731, 0203885341, 041546174X, 9780415461733, 9780203885345, 9780415461740, 1281900214, 1134043643, 9781281900210, 9781134043644
Improving Classroom Learning with ICT 1st Edition is written by Rosamund Sutherland; Susan Robertson; Peter John and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Improving Classroom Learning with ICT are 9781134043644, 1134043643 and the print ISBNs are 9780415461733, 0415461731. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415461731, 0203885341, 041546174X, 9780415461733, 9780203885345, 9780415461740, 1281900214, 1134043643, 9781281900210, 9781134043644.
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