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Learning Theory and Online Technologies offers a powerful overview of the current state of online learning, the foundations of its historical roots and growth, and a framework for distinguishing between the major approaches to online learning. It addresses pedagogy (how to design an effective online environment for learning), evaluation (how to know that students are learning), and history (how past research can guide successful online teaching and learning outcomes). An ideal textbook for undergraduate Education and Communication programs as well as Educational Technology Masters, Ph.D., and Certificate programs, Learning Theory and Online Technologies provides a synthesis of the key advances in online education learning theory and the key frameworks of research, and clearly links theory and research to successful learning practice. This revised second edition updates data on digital media adoption globally, adds a new chapter on connectivism as a learning theory, and updates the chapter on online collaborative learning, renaming the theory as collaborativism and considering the challenges that arise with the growth of artificial intelligence.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1138859990, 1315716836, 9781138859999, 9781315716831
Learning Theory and Online Technologies 2nd Edition is written by Linda Harasim and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Learning Theory and Online Technologies are 9781317508175, 1317508173 and the print ISBNs are 9781138860001, 113886000X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1138859990, 1315716836, 9781138859999, 9781315716831.
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