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Though in the past online learning was considered of poorer professional quality than classroom learning, it has become a useful and, in some cases, vital tool for promoting the inclusivity of education. Some of its benefits include allowing greater accessibility to educational resources previously unattainable by those in rural areas, and in current times, it has proven to be a critical asset as universities shut down due to natural disasters and pandemics. Examining the current state of distance learning and determining online assessment tools and processes that can enhance the online learning experience are clearly crucial for the advancement of modern education. The Handbook of Research on Determining the Reliability of Online Assessment and Distance Learning is a collection of pioneering investigations on the methods and applications of digital technologies in the realm of education. It provides a clear and extensive analysis of issues regarding online learning while also offering frameworks to solve these addressed problems. Moreover, the book reviews and evaluates the present and intended future of distance learning, focusing on the societal and employer perspective versus the academic proposals. While highlighting topics including hybrid teaching, blended learning, and telelearning, this book is ideally designed for teachers, academicians, researchers, educational administrators, and students.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1799847691, 1799847705, 9781799847694, 9781799847700
Handbook of Research on Determining the Reliability of Online Assessment and Distance Learning and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Handbook of Research on Determining the Reliability of Online Assessment and Distance Learning are 9781799847717, 1799847713 and the print ISBNs are 9781799847694, 1799847691. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1799847691, 1799847705, 9781799847694, 9781799847700.
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