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Integrating Computer Science Across the Core is a guide to systematizing computer science and computational thinking practices in your school. While most books explain how to teach computer science as a stand-alone discipline, this innovative approach will help you leverage your existing curriculum to deepen and expand students’ learning experiences in all content areas. Effective, equitable, and sustainable, this blueprint provides principals, curriculum directors, directors of technology, and other members of your school or district leadership team with suggested organizational structures, tips for professional learning, and key resources like planning instruments.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
0367198622, 0429243782, 0367198649, 9780367198626, 9780429243783, 9780367198640
Integrating Computer Science Across the Core: Strategies for K-12 Districts 1st Edition is written by Tom Liam Lynch; Gerald Ardito; Pam Amendola and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Integrating Computer Science Across the Core are 9780429516931, 0429516932 and the print ISBNs are 9780367198626, 0367198622. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0367198622, 0429243782, 0367198649, 9780367198626, 9780429243783, 9780367198640.
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