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Not Just Getting By chronicles groundbreaking thinking and research on new and innovative workforce development initiatives to create flexible and collaborative programs and policies. Author Mary Gatta builds on extensive interviews and focus groups with 128 women enrolled in a U.S. Department of Labor pilot program in New Jersey focusing on how they attain education through online courses while working, raising their children, and dealing with the many demands on their lives. The book addresses three main areas: It engages current policy debates demonstrating how online learning and other forms of flexible learning opportunities will reorganize the way federal and state governments deliver skills training, especially working poor single mothers, within the context of Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF), the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and other legislated workforce development programs in the 21st century. It explores the development of the program and qualitatively details the experiences of the women as they spend a year receiving online learning courses. It explores how to rethink workforce development so that online learning for low wage workers and other innovative programs can be successful. As both a piece of scholarship and a case study in successful policy development, this text will be a useful supplement for courses in the sociology of labor, women’s studies, or adult education. It will also serve policymakers and others who are looking for a model of training and skills delivery that actually works.
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Additional ISBNs
073911154X, 9780739111543
Not Just Getting By: The New Era of Flexible Workforce Development is written by Mary L. Gatta and published by Lexington Books. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Not Just Getting By are 9780739158296, 0739158295 and the print ISBNs are 9780739111536, 0739111531. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 073911154X, 9780739111543.
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