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As e-learning has evolved into a global change agent in higher education, it has become more diverse in its form and applications. Now that many institutions have implemented e-learning programs as part of their course offerings, it is essential for these institutions to fully grasp how best to facilitate continued improvements and accessibility in online education. The Handbook of Research on Building, Growing, and Sustaining Quality E-Learning Programs highlights several significant elements of e-learning, including program planning, quality standards, and online course development, as well as institutional, student, and faculty support. Serving as a critical resource for online and hybrid learning programs, this publication is designed for use by administrators, educators, instructional designers, and doctorate-level students in the field of education.
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Additional ISBNs
1522508775, 1522508783, 9781522508779, 9781522508786
Handbook of Research on Building, Growing, and Sustaining Quality E-Learning Programs is written by Kaye Shelton; Karen Pedersen and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Handbook of Research on Building, Growing, and Sustaining Quality E-Learning Programs are 9781522508793, 1522508791 and the print ISBNs are 9781522508779, 1522508775. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1522508775, 1522508783, 9781522508779, 9781522508786.
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