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How to Be a Successful Student is a clear, concise, evidence-based guide to the habits that are scientifically proven to help people learn. Acclaimed educational psychologist Richard Mayer distils cutting edge research to focus on the 20 best study habits for college students, including habits for motivating yourself to learn, managing your learning environment, and effectively applying learning strategies. This accessible, practical book covers all three areas with evidence-based, approachable suggestions to help you become a successful student by developing effective study habits and rejecting ineffective ones.
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Additional ISBNs
1138319856, 0429453744, 1138319864, 9781138319851, 9780429453748, 9781138319868
How to Be a Successful Student: 20 Study Habits Based on the Science of Learning 1st Edition is written by Richard E. Mayer and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for How to Be a Successful Student are 9780429843624, 0429843623 and the print ISBNs are 9781138319851, 1138319856. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1138319856, 0429453744, 1138319864, 9781138319851, 9780429453748, 9781138319868.
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