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Integrating Information & Communications Technologies Into the Classroom examines topics critical to business, computer science, and information technology education, such as: school improvement and reform, standards-based technology education programs, data-driven decision making, and strategic technology education planning. This book also includes subjects, such as: the effects of human factors on Web-based instruction; the impact of gender, politics, culture, and economics on instructional technology; the effects of technology on socialization and group processes; and, the barriers, challenges, and successes of technology integration into the classroom. Integrating Information & Communications Technologies Into the Classroom considers the effects of technology in society, equity issues, technology education and copyright laws, censorship, acceptable use and fair use laws, community education, and public outreach, using technology.
This is a digital product.
Integrating Information & Communications Technologies Into the Classroom is written by Lawrence A. Tomei and published by Information Science Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Integrating Information & Communications Technologies Into the Classroom are 9781599042602, 1599042606 and the print ISBNs are 9781599042589, 1599042584.
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