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Goal-Setting and Problem-Solving in the Tech-Enhanced Classroom explores how educators can use technology to create opportunities for more immersive and rewarding learning. As child-age students demonstrate increasing competence with digital tools, and investment in learning technologies continues to climb, teachers need grounded, pedagogically attentive insights to help them leverage these devices and platforms in their profession. This book offers a variety of ideas for how pre- and in-service teachers can successfully deploy today’s educational technology platforms to serve confident, meaningful teaching and learning. Each chapter includes a concrete learning goal or problem, a narrative of an instructional experience with a specific technology, relevant theoretical and empirical underpinnings, and practical recommendations.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1032117613, 1003221408, 1032113251, 9781032117614, 9781003221401, 9781032113258
Goal-Setting and Problem-Solving in the Tech-Enhanced Classroom: A Teaching and Learning Reboot 1st Edition is written by Pete Atherton and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Goal-Setting and Problem-Solving in the Tech-Enhanced Classroom are 9781000836332, 1000836339 and the print ISBNs are 9781032117614, 1032117613. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1032117613, 1003221408, 1032113251, 9781032117614, 9781003221401, 9781032113258.
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