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In recent decades, community colleges and universities have struggled with less funding, increased competition, and shrinking enrollment. Borderless online degrees offer opportunities to make higher education more accessible and to make foreign study without having to travel abroad an option. Lower cost, high retention, and reduced time to graduate are all key selling points for these degrees. Global Demand for Borderless Online Degrees is an essential research publication that provides the benefits, risks, and solutions for entering the borderless online degree market and discusses novel online approaches that are cost-effective for higher education institutions and affordable for customers at home and abroad. This book describes innovative pedagogy in fused learning classrooms that builds relationship and promotes retention and student satisfaction. Featuring a wide range of topics such as community college, accreditation, and international education, this book is ideal for university presidents, provosts, rectors, chancellors, international educators, administrators, academicians, policymakers, researchers, and students.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1522589120, 1522589139, 9781522589129, 9781522589136
Global Demand for Borderless Online Degrees is written by Robert P. Hogan and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Global Demand for Borderless Online Degrees are 9781522589143, 1522589147 and the print ISBNs are 9781522589129, 1522589120. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1522589120, 1522589139, 9781522589129, 9781522589136.
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