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One of the ways in which distance education is capable of reaching online learners is the basis and method of meta-communication. Therefore, it is important to understand how to design reflective online conversations and how to implement a diverse milieu for prospective online learners so that they are able to transfer their information, knowledge, and learning from theoretical forms to real life experiences. Meta-Communication for Reflective Online Conversations: Models for Distance Education s discusses the potential of meta-communication models for building and managing reflective online conversations among distance learners. This book unites models for meta-communication, distance education, and reflective online conversations and can serve as a course supplement for studies in distance education, online education, reflective online education, and meta-communication.
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Meta-Communication for Reflective Online Conversations is written by Ugur Demiray and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Meta-Communication for Reflective Online Conversations are 9781613500729, 1613500726 and the print ISBNs are 9781613500712, 1613500718.
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