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Digital learning proves that the digital revolution has almost no limits in the world. The extension of e-learning to digital learning has completely changed training and learning habits. In universities and companies and even at home, anytime and anywhere, innovative e-learning tools, such as online videos, e-learning quizzes, interactive games, and digital learning courses, can enhance knowledge exchange. The Handbook of Research on Scripting, Media Coverage, and Implementation of E-Learning Training in LMS Platforms considers the design and development of management systems, learner profiles, learning activities, and e-learning projects and discusses the design, development, and implementation in an LMS platform of e-learning projects based on educational engineering models. Covering key topics such as teaching practices, distance learning, and artificial intelligence, this reference work is ideal for industry professionals, administrators, policymakers, researchers, academicians, scholars, instructors, and students.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1668476347, 1668476355, 9781668476345, 9781668476352
Handbook of Research on Scripting, Media Coverage, and Implementation of E-Learning Training in LMS Platforms is written by Khaldi Mohamed and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Handbook of Research on Scripting, Media Coverage, and Implementation of E-Learning Training in LMS Platforms are 9781668476369, 1668476363 and the print ISBNs are 9781668476345, 1668476347. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1668476347, 1668476355, 9781668476345, 9781668476352.
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