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Laws and legal issues in the health and fitness arena become clear with this well-organized text. You will learn invaluable risk management strategies to promote safer programs and environments. You will discover and expand your knowledge of many legal concerns related to emergency procedures, employment, equipment, and facility issues, pre-activity health screening, fitness testing and prescription, and instruction and supervision. Real-life health/fitness case law examples provide practical and useful illustrations of negligence to help you understand and minimize your legal liability.
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Risk Management for Health/Fitness Professionals: Legal Issues and Strategies 1st Edition is written by JoAnn M Eickhoff-Shemek PhD, FACSM, FAWHP David L Herbert JD Daniel P Connaughton EdD and published by Wolters Kluwer Health. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Risk Management for Health/Fitness Professionals: Legal Issues and Strategies are 9781451107920, 1451107927 and the print ISBNs are 9780781783644, 078178364X.
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