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The Third Edition of Athletic Training Student Primer: A Foundation for Success by Andrew P. Winterstein builds upon previous editions in providing a mix of foundational athletic training knowledge coupled with human interest information to help guide students in their decision-making process when contemplating a career. This Third Edition breaks the mold of other introductory athletic training texts by including answers to many “real-life” athletic training situations. The Third Edition is broken into four sections that cover all different aspects of the profession:• Understanding athletic training• Common injuries and conditions• Planning, prevention, and care• Preparing for successFurther expanding the learning process, included with each new textbook purchase is access to a companion website that includes videos, a glossary, and various web resources.Updated Features Include:• New injury spotlights for the upper and lower extremity and general medical conditions• Updated information from athletic training students on keys to success• New career spotlights from athletic trainers working in a broad range of career settings• Updated information on historic changes in athletic training, including the upcoming transition to master’s degree for professional preparation • Updated web resources• Additional resources for instructors• Complete redesign of text layout and updated imagesAthletic Training Student Primer: A Foundation for Success, Third Edition is a must have for students taking the first step into a career in athletic training.
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Athletic Training Student Primer: A Foundation for Success, Third Edition and published by Slack Incorporated. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Athletic Training Student Primer are 9781630915803, 1630915807 and the print ISBNs are 9781617110924, 1617110922.
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