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Much of the discussion of social transformation and resistance in socio-legal studies centres around the question of whether and how the law can be used to achieve practical change. However, the editors of this volume argue that it will never be possible to enact change through the law because it is inseparable from violence, be it metaphysical, social, or political. They posit that a “just world,” free from oppressive power relations, requires us to imagine communities where the state and its law cease to exist. Contributors address the underexplored questions of what alternatives to law could look like: how communities could organize their everyday lives, and how they could address social and interpersonal conflicts outside of an apparatus of violence. These essays contribute to the ongoing interrogation of settler colonialism, racism, and structural violence in Canada by demonstrating how to expose the violence the law produces, how to deconstruct law’s power, and, finally, how to identify modes of resistance that have transformative potential.
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Additional ISBNs
Violence, Imagination, and Resistance: Socio-legal Interrogations of Power and published by AU Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Violence, Imagination, and Resistance are 9781771993678, 1771993677 and the print ISBNs are 9781778290022, 1778290027. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781771993661.
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