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Urban Renewal and School Reform in Baltimore examines the role of the contemporary public school as an instrument of urban design. The central case study in this book, Henderson-Hopkins, is a PK-8 campus serving as the civic centerpiece of the East Baltimore Development Initiative. This study reflects on the persistent notions of urban renewal and their effectiveness for addressing the needs of disadvantaged neighborhoods and vulnerable communities. Situating the master plan and school project in the history and contemporary landscape of urban development and education debates, this book provides a detailed account of how Henderson-Hopkins sought to address several reformist objectives, such as improvement of the urban context, pedagogic outcomes, and holistic well-being of students. Bridging facets of urban design, development, and education policy, this book contributes to an expanded agenda for understanding the spatial implications of school-led redevelopment and school reform.
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Additional ISBNs
9780429318900, 9780367509613, 9781000093315, 9781000093278
Urban Renewal and School Reform in Baltimore: Rethinking the 21st Century Public School 1st Edition is written by Erkin Özay and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Urban Renewal and School Reform in Baltimore are 9781000093353, 1000093352 and the print ISBNs are 9780367332570, 0367332574. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780429318900, 9780367509613, 9781000093315, 9781000093278.
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