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Asian medicinal plants show great promise in pharmaceutical and cosmetological development. Researchers engaged in the discovery of new leads in these areas need robust conceptual tools and understanding of interrelated basics of botany, ethnobotany, biomolecular pharmacology, phytochemistry, and medicinal chemistry to guide their investigations. M
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Additional ISBNs
Medicinal Plants of China, Korea, and Japan: Bioresources for Tomorrow’s Drugs and Cosmetics 1st Edition is written by Christophe Wiart and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Medicinal Plants of China, Korea, and Japan are 9781439899120, 1439899126 and the print ISBNs are 9781439899113, 1439899118. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780429112591.
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