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Editors Kimberly Brown and Celia Chao and authors review the latest in Melanoma. Articles will include Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Prevention, and Early Detection; Work-up and Staging of Malignant Melanoma; Principles of Surgical Treatment of Malignant Melanoma; Surviving Cutaneous Melanoma; Locoregional Therapies; Melanoma Vaccines; The Role of Radiation Therapy in Melanoma; Systemic Therapy in Melanoma; Unusual Presentations of Melanoma; Surgical Treatment Options for Stage IV Melanoma; Head and Neck Melanoma; Melanoma in Non-Caucasian Populations and more!
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Additional ISBNs
Melanoma, An Issue of Surgical Clinics is written by Kimberly M. Brown and published by Elsevier. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Melanoma, An Issue of Surgical Clinics are 9780323326834, 0323326838 and the print ISBNs are 9780323326827, 032332682X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780323374552.
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