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The first edition of Men’s Aesthetics: A Practical Guide to Minimally Invasive Treatment, edited by leading dermatologist Jeremy Brauer, is a comprehensive and exciting new entry into the fascinating discipline of minimally invasive treatments for men.
This book assembles a group of renowned experts from around the world to cover a range of topics in the field, including aesthetic preferences of men, anatomical changes in men as they age, as well as a variety of treatments and procedures from volumizing the face to the use of neuromodulators and fillers, chemical peels, lasers, lights and energy devices, skin tightening, and treating male pattern hair loss and hair restoration.
The thoughtful discussions on aesthetic concerns in men, men of color, and transgender patients will be of particular interest for those interested in building, growing, and maintaining a well-rounded male aesthetic practice.
Key Highlights:
12 procedural chapters that cover a wide range of minimally invasive treatments for men
Clinical pearls that impart best practice, allowing the reader to digest important facts and nuances of the procedures covered in the book
Instructive, step-wise videos that detail targeted procedures
200 illustrations and clinical photos from thousands of procedures performed by the authors
This is an invaluable guide for practitioners interested in the spectrum of male aesthetic topics and will be helpful both to novices as well as seasoned veterans in the aesthetic medicine field.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
Men’s Aesthetics: A Practical Guide to Minimally Invasive Treatment 1st Edition is written by Jeremy A. Brauer and published by Thieme Medical Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Men’s Aesthetics are 9783132582668, 3132582662 and the print ISBNs are 9783132428379, 313242837X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9783132428386.
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