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Continuing its rich tradition of engaging students and demonstrating how mathematics applies to various fields of study, the new edition of this text is packed with real data and real-life applications to business, economics, social and life sciences. Users continually praise Sullivan and Mizrahi for their attention to conceptual development, well-graded and applied examples and exercise sets that include CPA, CMA, and Actuarial exam questions. The new Eighth Edition also features a new full color design and improved goal-oriented pedagogy to facilitate understanding.
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Mathematics: An Applied Approach 8th Edition is written by Michael Sullivan; Abe Mizrahi and published by Wiley. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Mathematics: An Applied Approach are 9781119409328, 1119409322 and the print ISBNs are 9780471327844, 0471327840.
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