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Continuing the Chain of Discovery and Understanding Beginning Behavioral Research introduces students to the broad base and conceptual underpinnings of basic principles of ethical research with human participants from (a) the development of ideas and testable hypotheses, to (b) the selection of appropriate methods of measurement and data collection, to (c) the design and implementation of empirical research, to (d) the statistical analysis and interpretation of results, and finally, to (e) the reporting of findings and conclusions. The authors emphasize good research, empirical reasoning, and the continuity of psychological science in the continuing cycle of discovery and understanding. The beginning in the title of this text is intended to have a double meaning. It not only describes the level of the material but also conveys the idea of a journey. For some students, the journey will be completed at the end of the course in which this text is used. For others, the journey will have just begun. In either case, students will have a deeper understanding of the applicability and limits of the scientific method. They will also have learned how to frame questions about the scientific results they read or hear about in the media in ways that will allow them to reach beyond other people’s conclusions or assertions and decide for themselves what is true. Additional Learning Goals Upon completing this book, students who are expected to conduct a research study should be able to: Craft a research idea that can be empirically tested Choose methods of data collection and measurement Develop a research proposal Design and implement the research study Approach the research data Test and evaluate hypotheses and explore the results Report the research project in the APA style Note: MySearchLab with eText does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MySearchLab with eText, please visit or you can purchase a ValuePack of the text + MySearchLab with eText (at no additional cost): ValuePack ISBN-10: 0205871895 / ValuePack ISBN-13: 9780205871896
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