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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in basic and advanced criminal investigation A Guide to Effective Criminal Investigations Drawing upon the author’s 50 plus years of experience, Criminal Investigation gives students a comprehensive introduction to the investigative process. From preliminaries to case preparation for prosecutorial review, this text focuses on the fundamentals of inquiry and each element of investigation. Concise and well-organized, Criminal Investigation exposes students to the most recent investigative techniques and features real-life case studies to help them develop their ability to analyze, evaluate, and reason. Through the emphasis of ethical awareness students gain an understanding of the need for honesty and fidelity in effective criminal investigations. The Thirteenth Edition includes numerous pedagogical aids to assist the learning process as well as new chapter segments on cell phones, social networking, and video cameras as investigative leads, cold case investigations, home invasion and drug house robberies, organized retail theft and cargo theft, financial investigative responses to organized crime and updates on terrorist activities.
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