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Human Motion – Understanding, Modeling, Capture and Animation
Second Workshop, HumanMotion 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 20, 2007, Proceedings
This LNCS volume contains the papers presented at the second Workshop on Human Motion Understanding, Modeling, Capture and Animation, which took place on October 20th, 2007, accompanying the 11th IEEE International C- ference on Computer Vision in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In total, 38 papers were submitted to this workshop,of which 22 papers were accepted. We were careful to ensure a high standard of quality when selecting the papers. All submissions were double-blind reviewed by at least two experts. Out of the 22 accepted papers, 10 were selected for oral presentation and 12 for posters. We thank the authors of the accepted papers for taking the reviewers’ comments into account in the ?nal published versions of their papers. We thank all of the authors who submitted their work, and we trust that the reviewers’ comments have been of value for their research activities. The accepted papers re?ect the state of the art in the ?eld and cover various topicsrelatedto humanmotiontrackingandanalysis.Thepapersinthisvolume have been classi?ed into three categories based on the topics they cover: human motion capture and pose estimation, body and limb tracking and segmentation, and activity recognition.
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Human Motion – Understanding, Modeling, Capture and Animation: Second Workshop, HumanMotion 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 20, 2007, Proceedings 1st Edition is written by Ahmed Elgammal; Bodo Rosenhahn; Reinhard Klette and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Human Motion – Understanding, Modeling, Capture and Animation are 9783540757030, 3540757031 and the print ISBNs are 9783540757023, 3540757023.
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