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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Just the Facts: Investigative Report Writing can be used for all courses in law enforcement report writing in any criminal justice program. It is also a suitable reference for investigators. Just the Facts brings together all the simple rules and techniques students need to write effective investigative reports in law enforcement. Its user-friendly methodology works in any context, with any crime, regardless of the case’s complexity. Each chapter focuses on one major component of the report writing process, carefully building on what has already been learned. Coverage includes: investigation basics, note taking, narrative writing, describing persons and property, crime and arrest reports, writing interviews and search warrants, and more. Updated with new Learning Objectives, writing exercises, and expanded content the Fifth Edition retains its focus on consistency, simplicity, and thoroughness in documenting the results of an investigation.
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