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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in Introduction to Security and Introduction to Security Management A unique, all-in-one guide to the basics of security operations and the management of security personnel and organizations Comprehensive in scope, Introduction to Security: Operations and Management balances introductory protection concepts with security management practices to provide a detailed understanding of the private security industry and its diverse roles and functions in the 21st century. Written in an easy-to-understand, logical manner, and filled with contemporary examples, the book includes Security Spotlights that raise practical security issues and questions, web links to security-related Internet sites for further exploration of topics, a review of career opportunities in security, and a number of pedagogical aids to ensure mastery of the information–including key concepts and terms, margin definitions, discussion questions and exercises, Your Turn application-based assignments, a comprehensive glossary, and a reference index. The Fifth Edition has been completely updated throughout, reorganized for continuity and coherence, and provides a national/international perspective.
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