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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in Technology Management, Engineering Management, or Introduction to Engineering Technology. Supporting engineers and technical professionals in developing the skills needed to be successful managers Managing Engineering and Technology is designed to teach engineers, scientists, and other technical professionals the basic management skills they will need to be effective both as they transition into management and throughout their careers. To build that expertise, Managing Engineering and Technology provides readers with the foundations of engineering management in five parts; Introduction to Engineering Management, Functions of Technology Management, Managing Technology, Managing Projects, and Managing Your Engineering Career. The 7th Edition of Managing Engineering and Technology welcomes a new co-author, William L. Schell, and incorporates new and improved content changes to assist in the development of the engineering skills of students. The new edition is updated throughout, with modern examples of engineering management applications.
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