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The newest approach to the New York Times bestselling DASH diet, featuring a completely new approach to eating, the latest science and research on improving heart health and reducing the risk of diabetes, and a Mediterranean diet-inspired meal plan to make this the most healthful and effective DASH diet ever. #1 Best Diets for Healthy Eating #1 Best Heart-Healthy Diets #1 Best Diets for Diabetes #1 Best Plant-Based Diets #1 Easiest Diets to Follow The DASH diet has been a staple of the dieting world, recommended by doctors, nutritionists, and crowned the US News and World Report’s #1 best diet for 8 years in a row. But popular tastes and medical guidelines have evolved, and THE DASH DIET MEDITERRANEAN SOLUTION presents a new approach to the time tested diet program that highlights the benefits of whole foods. Marla Heller, MS RD has overhauled the DASH plan to reflect the latest, cutting-edge research on hypertension, diabetes, depression, and other health issues that impact millions of Americans. Meal planning gets a new focus on unprocessed foods (less sugar free jello, more fresh fruits!), seafood options, and even a whole section examining vegan and vegetarian choices. Filled with four weeks of menus and tons of strategies and research, THE DASH DIET MEDITERRANEAN SOLUTION offers readers a new approach to their best health the DASH diet way.
The DASH Diet Mediterranean Solution Edition by Marla Heller and Publisher Grand Central Publishing. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781538715246, 1538715244. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781538715253, 1538715252.
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