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Birth of an Adoptive, Foster or Stepmother
Beyond Biological Mothering Attachments
Adoptive, foster and stepmothers, like biological mothers, find their lives completely changed by motherhood although they are not always granted the rights and privileges accorded to those who give birth. Barbara Waterman explores the common experiences that are shared by all those who enter the motherhood portal. She highlights the importance of wider family, community and professional support for non-biological parents and primary care-givers of both genders, and their children. A stepmother herself and a practicing psychologist, Waterman’s writing is illustrated throughout with vignettes of children and parents from a range of backgrounds. She shows the important ways in which a non-biological attachment is both more similar to and more different from a biological attachment than is currently understood. In doing this, Waterman broadens the notion of the `traditional’ family, and offers a positive alternative to the myth of the perfect mother. All kinds of step-, adoptive and foster families and those coming into contact with them will find this thoroughly researched and personal book an indispensable guide.
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Additional ISBNs
Birth of an Adoptive, Foster or Stepmother: Beyond Biological Mothering Attachments is written by Barbara Waterman and published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Birth of an Adoptive, Foster or Stepmother are 9781846424250, 1846424259 and the print ISBNs are 9781843107248, 1843107244. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781849855624.
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