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Helping Foster Children In School
A Guide for Foster Parents, Social Workers and Teachers
Helping Foster Children In School explores the challenges that foster children face in schools and offers positive and practical guidance tailored to help the parents, teachers and social workers supporting them. Children in care often perform poorly at school both in terms of their behavior and their academic performance, with many failing to complete their education. They will have often experienced trauma or neglect which can result in a number of developmental delays. By looking at why children in foster care do not perform as well as their counterparts, John DeGarmo, who has fostered more than 40 children, provides easy-to-use strategies to target the problems commonly faced. He emphasizes the importance of an open dialogue between teacher, parent and social worker, to ensure that everyone is working jointly to achieve the best outcome for the child. An invaluable resource for foster parents, social workers and educators alike, this book encourages a unified response to ensure foster children are given the best chance to succeed at school.
This is a digital product.
Helping Foster Children In School: A Guide for Foster Parents, Social Workers and Teachers is written by John DeGarmo and published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Helping Foster Children In School are 9781784501624, 178450162X and the print ISBNs are 9781849057455, 1849057451.
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