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An Invitation to Knot Theory
Virtual and Classical
The Only Undergraduate Textbook to Teach Both Classical and Virtual Knot Theory An Invitation to Knot Theory: Virtual and Classical gives advanced undergraduate students a gentle introduction to the field of virtual knot theory and mathematical research. It provides the foundation for students to research knot theory and read journal articles on their own. Each chapter includes numerous examples, problems, projects, and suggested readings from research papers. The proofs are written as simply as possible using combinatorial approaches, equivalence classes, and linear algebra. The text begins with an introduction to virtual knots and counted invariants. It then covers the normalized f-polynomial (Jones polynomial) and other skein invariants before discussing algebraic invariants, such as the quandle and biquandle. The book concludes with two applications of virtual knots: textiles and quantum computation.
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Additional ISBNs
9781315370750, 9781498701662, 9781315362380, 9781498798617
An Invitation to Knot Theory: Virtual and Classical 1st Edition is written by Heather A. Dye and published by Chapman & Hall. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for An Invitation to Knot Theory are 9781315360096, 1315360098 and the print ISBNs are 9781498701648, 1498701647. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781315370750, 9781498701662, 9781315362380, 9781498798617.
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